First 5K

We spoke to a lot of people who wanted to get into (or back into) running but were a little apprehensive about the pressure of race day.

I get it, knowing how it all works and what to do and when to do it can be a daunting.

So we thought, what if we put on a small, relaxed, event for people to come down and get the best support at a race to give them confidence to take on as many park runs and races as their heart desires

Who is it for?

Anyone over 18 who is new or returning to running and wants to take part in a fun and friendly 5k. This isn’t going to be super strict, we aren’t going to be checking peoples past events or anything - all in good faith that if you feel like its a good fit for you thats all we need.

Where is it?

Our favourite 5k route in Weston. Almost all off road and loads to look at while you run.


Starts 10:00am

Sunday 30th June, 2024

What is the route?

>>>click here for route<<<



Shoot us an email if you want to bring a group.

How much is it?
